Mole Removal
Benign mole removal is a common dermatological procedure that involves removing one or more moles from the skin's surface. Moles are common skin growths that typically appear as small, dark spots or bumps on the skin's surface. Most moles are benign, which means they are non-cancerous and don't pose a serious health threat. However, some moles can become cancerous or cause cosmetic concerns, which may prompt someone to consider removal.
Benign mole removal at Lenzy Dermatology involves numbing the area around the mole with a local anesthetic before Dr. Lenzy removes the mole using a surgical scalpel or punch tool, depending on the size and location of the mole.
Benign mole removal is a safe and effective procedure that can help to alleviate cosmetic concerns, prevent potential cancerous growth, and promote overall skin health.
If you are considering mole removal, schedule a consultation with a qualified dermatological professional to discuss your options; and determine the most appropriate plan for your needs.
What to Expect
At Lenzy Dermatology, treatment for eczema often involves a combination of strategies to manage symptoms and prevent further flare-ups. These treatments may include:
Moisturizing - Keeping the affected area moisturized helps to relieve dryness and itching. Use a fragrance-free moisturizer daily, especially after bathing.
Topical corticosteroids - Steroid creams or ointments can help reduce inflammation and itching.
Antihistamines - These are often used to relieve itching at night, which can help you get a good night's sleep.
Wet wraps - Wet bandages can provide cooling and relief for irritated skin. They are usually used after applying a moisturizer or medication to the affected area.
Stress management - Stress can trigger flare-ups, so managing stress through methods such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga, can help lessen the likelihood of a flare-up.
While there is no cure for eczema, it is possible to effectively manage the condition with the help of an experienced board-certified dermatologist or dermatological professional.