Understanding Chemical Peels 101

A medical grade chemical peel works to improve the appearance of your skin by exfoliating, accelerating cell turnover, removing damaged top layers, and boosting collagen growth. The new, regenerated skin is substantially smoother, healthier looking, more uniform in tone and less wrinkled. 

The face, neck, chest, and hands are the most commonly treated areas for chemical peels.

In addition to improving the overall complexion, chemical peels can also help with:

  • Acne

  • Acne scars 

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Melasma

  • Sun Damage 

  • Fine Lines + Wrinkles 

  • Dry Skin Texture

Following one chemical peel your complexion is left brighter, tighter, and smoother, while optimal results are achieved with a series of three to six peels.

At Lenzy Dermatology we offer medical-grade chemical peels to address an array of skin issues and concerns. Chemical peels can be performed at different depths, depending on the desired outcome.

During your consultation, our board certified dermatologist, Dr. Yolanda Lenzy, will recommend the peel depth that best suits your skincare goals.

During your treatment, Dr. Lenzy will apply the selected product to your skin and allow it to penetrate. You may feel a mild to moderate stinging sensation while the solution is on your skin. After the appropriate treatment time has elapsed, a cool compress and/or a neutralizing solution will be applied to the area, depending on the type of peel being provided.

After your treatment, you may feel tingling, burning, itching, dryness, redness, or tightness, depending on your skin’s sensitivity level and the depth of the peel you received. With medium to deep peels, you will most likely see peeling or flaking over the next 1-7 days.

Because all patients are unique, results may vary based on a number of factors. Dr. Lenzy will discuss with you the results you can expect and create a customized peel plan that’s right for you.


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