Lenzy Dermatology News and Media
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Refinery 29 Article - Can Rice Water Actually Make Your Hair Grow Faster? Experts Weigh In
“The practice of using rice water as a hair treatment is by no means new. Researchers track the beauty ritual back to ancient Japan, when court ladies living during the Heian period would saturate their hair in fermented rice water (also called Yu-Su-Ru) to stimulate growth. The process has resurfaced on YouTube, with influencers and bloggers steeping rice water for up to three days to ferment it at home.”
Refinery 29 Article - Do Hot Oil Treatments Really Work? Experts Weigh In
“A quick search of the term "hot oil treatments" on YouTube generates videos of women (with various hair textures) DIY-ing the method to reduce frizz, stimulate blood flow, and improve shine. But it's hardly seen on salon service menus. So what's the deal with dousing your hair in piping hot oil?”
Good Housekeeping Article - Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss, According to Dermatologists
“Hair loss is not a diagnosis,” says Yolanda Lenzy, M.D., M.P.H.,board-certified dermatologist and licensed cosmetologist in Chicopee, Massachusetts. “Hair loss is a symptom. Once you get a specific diagnosis, then you can know the causes associated with that diagnosis.”
Madame Noire Article - Hair Hacks: A Dermatologist Explains Why Survivors Of COVID-19 Are Losing Their Hair
“We’re seeing a lot of people who actually had COVID-19 back in the spring, a few months later, they’re developing hair shedding. It’s actually called telogen effluvium,” [Lenzy] said. “It’s where you get excessive shedding after a major stressful event. So like having a baby, having illness, losing a lot of weight.”
Prevention Magazine Article - 21 Healthy Ways to Welcome 2021
#6: “…Establish and commit to a skincare regimen,” says Yolanda Lenzy, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and licensed cosmetologist in Chicopee, MA. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Dr. Lenzy says you need just three staples…”
Madame Noire Article - Hair Hacks: On Dandruff And Why You Should Stop Oiling Your Scalp, According To A Dermatologist
“We all have yeast that live on our scalps,” says Dermatologist and Hair Wellness expert Dr. Yolanda Lenzy. She’s partnered with Dove to help women of color combat hair issues. “Different times of the year, different things we’re going through, that yeast can overgrow. You can go through periods where you’re getting more itching, flaking, things like that.”